What is Mind Codex®?
Mind Codex® – Success through personality!
Mind Codex® is a 4-factor personality model which was developed with the knowledge of the trilogy of sciences sociology, psychology and pedagogy and is based on current neuropsychological findings.
»Many have acknowledged self-awareness and knowledge of human nature as their driving force for personal success.«
Dr. Eva Brandt
Our neuronal processes are reflected in our individuality. Thanks to neuropsychology we now know that there are four areas of the brain, which have a strong influence on our personality and which are captured in this 4-factor model.
Self-awareness and knowledge of human nature
Many have acknowledged self-awareness and knowledge of human nature as their driving force for personal success, while our values guide us like a navigation system to our goals and ultimately enable our satisfaction.
Mind Codex® identifies the four essential influencing factors of your personality that are unchangeable. Knowing the codex of your personal values, potentials, strengths and leitmotifs enables you not only to use them for your own goal achievement, but also to combine success and satisfaction.
»Each person is exceptional and has their own unique potential.«
With the Mind Codex® model, we can solve the riddle of the personality codex, decipher it and highlight our strengths, motives, values and potential.
Find out which values, strengths, needs and potential you possess and how you can successfully use them to achieve your personal goals.
Discover your personal Mind Codex® for your personal success!