Mind Codex® Recruiting
Mind Codex® Recruiting
You have a new position to fill and want to know which employee is the ideal candidate for it?
Mind Codex shows you exactly which special competencies, strengths and motives the employee has. At the same time it determines the individual values, which are like a navigation system for your own satisfaction.
Actively supporting employee retention
Recent studies by the Gallup Institute show that the average willingness of employees to change jobs has increased by 13%.

The decisive factor for low staff turnover in companies is a high level of emotional commitment among employees, as various studies have shown. It not only has a positive effect on loyalty to the company, but also on satisfaction, health, performance and recommendation of the employer for new employee recruitment.
Employees with high emotional commitment:
As has been shown in many studies, about 2/3 of employees do not leave the company, but their own manager. Leadership skills are thus an important key to employee retention.
Broadly speaking, current trends show that employees place particularly high value on experiencing appreciation, trust and transparency from their managers, as well as a corporate and leadership culture with which they can identify.
If we look at other criteria for employee retention, neuroscience shows that the same measures cannot be effective for all personalities. In this respect, the first step is to distinguish which factors of personality there are and how they can be differentiated.
Mind Codex specifically strengthens employee loyalty
In the Mind Codex personality model we distinguish 4 influencing factors. The influencing factor doer who likes to be energetic, proactive and desires a feeling of freedom and flexibility, the influencing factor empathic who attaches importance to preserving what is good and appreciates very much when he masters his work processes with a lot of expertise, the influencing factor analyst who prefers to plan precisely himself in order to check whether it is also efficient and likes to decide for himself which is the most effective way to reach the goal and the influencing factor of our values as the fourth factor of personality.
Our values determine our satisfaction, they are our navigation system to success. If we act against our values we will be unhappy, if others act against our values we will be massively annoyed.It is the interplay of all these influencing factors that forms our personality.Only the distribution of the personality dimensions and the strength of the expression in combination with the values show the stable characteristics of our personality, which in the future rather differentiate than change.
If I know the distribution and strength of the individual influencing factors, I not only know the potential of a personality, but also the intrinsic need, the basic criteria for satisfaction at work.