References and customer testimonials

Customer testimonials

"Mind Codex has clearly shown us that teams are even more successful when arranged based on each one's potential. In conclusion, our employees are able to collaborate more authentically using their personalities and boost their potential accordingly."

Dr. Felix Büchting, Executive Board KWS Saat SE & Co. KGaA


"Mind Codex is a modern concept and also directly applicable to everyday business life. At SAP Germany, our entire team and I instantly have benefited from the new knowledge, and I still use it today in my new job. Since it's app-based, you have fast digital access to the information whereever you are. Finally, a personality model that is scientifically sound, but also useful in practice!"

Markus Pfannschilling-Zerbe, Sales Operations, SAP Fioneer Solutions GmbH


"Mind Codex - a book with seven seals? No, it was quickly integrated into my daily work routine.  Accessing the strengths of my colleagues, understanding their supposed weaknesses and using them as opportunities - all this has become second nature to me. I live for it and love implementing it."

Heidrun Pöhnl, Secretary Board of Management Personal DB Regio


"As a sales manager and biohacker, I have a great interest in communication and human psychology.
In this context, body language and nonverbal cues play a major role. They give us clues as to whether we are picking up, understanding or even inspiring our conversation partner."

Florian Neuber, Regional Sales Director SAP


"We at Thomae-Akademie like to make use of the Mind Codex model in pharmacy trainings because our seminar participants can improve the assessment of their customers' personality types and thus adapt the consultations to each customer type."

Christian Poßmann, Thomae Akademie - ein Service von SANOFI


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